DC FASHION EVENT: THE BASICS PRESENTED BY STYLE STUDIES DC | Fashion Blogs :: DC Fashion Blog :: Shopping Blog :: Vintage Clothing

Tuesday, April 2, 2013



Are you obsessed with fashion, but not sure how to get involved? Do you religiously follow your favorite local bloggers and personalities on twitter, but want to finally meet them in person? Do you want to make fashion your career, but don't know how to start in DC? Do you want to get more involved in the local fashion industry?

Then come to The Basics presented by Style Studies DC!

We have created a week of events to help you dip your toe into the world of fashion in the District. 
3 Days of Panels & 1 Pop-Up shop featurung some amazing local designers

Monday, April 8 7pm-9pm: District Fashion 101
In Washington DC, the fashion community can seem small and closed to those aren’t in the know; but in fact, there are many opportunities and people looking to collaborate on new and innovative ideas. The District Fashion 101 panel is all about bringing together these parties to enhance the world of fashion in DC. Students will learn who to know, what to know, and what they can do now to be a part of this emerging industry. Thought leaders in digital media, retail, blogging, PR, and entrepreneurial pursuits will inform students of their personal experiences.
Janice Wallace, DC Fashion Foundation, The Capital Fashionista, Facon Magazine
Elaine Mensah, Svelte, LLC
Katerina Herodotou, Meeps & Treasury boutiques

Tuesday, April 9 7pm-9pm: Building Your Brand
Today, you are only as effective as your digital presence. Building a brand is essential to staying relevant, especially in DC.  It requires a clear vision and strategy to convey your message. In the Building Your Brand panel, companies and individuals who have established and well-known local brands will share their secrets, both online and in the real world.
Eliot Payne, Accoutre
Lacey Maffettone, CapFABB, A Lacey Perspective
Liz Fassbender, CapFABB, So Much to Smile About
Quincy Jones, Prepster Punk
Kimee Brown, neon v Magazine

Wednesday, April 10 7pm-9pm: Making a Profit
There are many fashion entrepreneurs in the District, and the question on everyone’s mind is “How did you do it?”. In the Making a Profit panel local creatives making money from their passions will be asked just that. They will share their story and experiences, and offer advice and resources to students.
Julie Egermayer, Violet Boutique
Kate Warren, Go Kate Shoot
Greg Gaten Taylor, Walish Gooshe

Thursday, April 11 7pm-10pm: The Pop-Up
This pop-up shop will feature local clothing and accessory designers, vintage shop owners, and artists. 

Email stylestudiesdc@gmail.com with any questions!