Instructions Apparel Holiday Bar & Bazaar with Chris4Life Colon Cancer Foundation
WHAT: On Wednesday, December 8th, Instructions Apparel, a local online men’s clothier founded by three recent graduates of Howard University Law, will host a holiday sales event and party. During the event guests will enjoy 50% savings on all Instructions Apparel merchandise with prices starting at $32 for dress shirts and $15 for ties. Guests will also have the chance to mingle with Instructions Apparel founders, enjoy a tie-knotting demonstration from Wardrobe Consultant Henry Edwards and take advantage of discounted prices on all dress shirts and ties.
The event will also serve as a fundraiser for the Chris4Life Colon Cancer Foundation, a local organization dedicated to finding a cure for colon cancer by funding and facilitating cutting edge research programs across the nation. Ten percent of all merchandise sales from the event will be donated directly to the foundation.
In addition event partner Hudson Restaurant & Lounge will extend Happy Hour prices and 10% of the food and drink sales will be donated to Chris4Life as well.
WHERE: Hudson Restaurant & Lounge 2030 M St NW
WHEN: Wednesday, December 8th 6:30-8:30 pm
WHY: Our Holiday Bar & Bazaar is a way to say thank you to all of our supporters for another great year. We have some great prices on our items that are perfect for all the holiday season parties and perfect gift ideas.
We discovered the Chris4Life Colon Cancer Foundation earlier this year and impressed with their mission so we thought they’d make a great partner for this event. We are happy to donate a portion of our sales to their mission to cure colon cancer.
ABOUT: Instructions Apparel was founded in 2008 by three young business men in Washington, DC area who experience challenge expressing their own personal styles in the workplace, especially on a budget. As a solution, Marcus Ware, Sheku Riddle and Duane Smith founded Instructions Apparel, an online men’s clothier specializing in unique shirt and tie offerings.
MEDIA: Whitney Stringer 814.876.0640;
How cool. I wish I could attend the event. I went to Howard and I am a bow tie fanatic. I'll definitely be checking out this collection soon.
BTW, great blog- I'm now following
-Mitch from
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